Medications for Rectal Irritation from Radiation

Stool softeners and Bulk Formers

Citrucel powder

1 full scoop (Large tablespoon) twice a day (equivalent of Metamucil, some patients like this better) will help keep the stool soft and give some bulk


(Same as Citrucel) 1 full scoop (large tablespoon) twice a day


(Stool softener) 1 or 2 tablets a day


Mineral Oil

2 teaspoons per day, helps to lubricate, and eases passage of bowel movements

Mild Laxatives

"Smooth Move" Tea

Mild laxative for mild constipation

Milk of Magnesia

2-3 teaspoons a day as needed

Anti-Diarrhea Medications


1 or 2 tablets four times a day, as needed. Will help to stop diarrhea and rectal cramping. Safe but needs prescription.


1 tablet four times a day, as needed (Same as Lomotil)


Needs a prescription

Tincture of Opium

6 drops every 6 hours

Topical Treatments for Anus and Hemorrhoids

Lidex cream 0.05%

Apply 3-5 times per day and cover with petroleum jelly (Vaseline or A&D ointment) will help the irritation from radiation


Apply three times a day, cover with petroleum jelly (Vaseline or A&D ointment)

Nitro-Bid Ointment 2%

Apply three times a day

Sitz Bath

Hot bath and soak of rectal area twice a day

Witch Hazel Liquid

For itching. Soak a pad and apply to rectum after a BM or bath

Interior Rectal Treatments

Rowasa Enemas

Insert twice a day and hold as long as possible. This is an anti-inflammatory (Salicilate ex. Aspirin) and should help pain and help healing

Canasa Suppositories

Insert 2 times per day and hold in as long as possible

Anusol Suppositories HC

Insert 2 times per day and hold in as long as possible (Other generic HC suppositories are available) these are anti-inflammatory and will cut down inflammation and help healing

Anal Pram HC 2.5%

Insert 2 times per day and hold in as long as possible

Cort Enemas (or Cortofoam)

Steroid Enemas, insert twice a day. Strong anti-inflammatory. Should cut down pain and help healing

Procto Cream HC 2.5%

Insert 2 times per day and hold as long as possible

Painful Bowel Movements


(Sodium-Ducosate) 100mgm tabs: 2 tablets twice a day (at Rite-Aid Pharmacysold as "Col-Rite") Will help decrease the cramps before having a stool

B & O Suppositories

(15A-30mg/ 16A-60mg) Insert once or twice a day as needed for severe rectal pain. Requires a prescription (available from Sav-on)